I’m obsessed with performance. I’ve studied it for years and from a very young age. Acting, singing, dancing, performing, composing, choreographing, long-form improv… I love and remain fascinated by all of it. That said, I have something an ambivalent relationship to performing myself. As such my work is often deliberately formally erratic, blending comedy, tragedy, music, and storytelling, learning to play the piano, writing around a specific genre of 90s indie music - you name it, I’ve delved into it.
I think of my performance projects as the unwieldy offshoots of disciplining my neurodivergence into written form. Consider yourself comforted by the knowledge that you’re in a safe pair of hands, but my shows explore the virtue of mess, they’re unmannered, experimental, and genre-curious.

The new show in development
No More Mr Nice Gay
A TED Talk? A play? A tragicomic self-referential musical? Yes. I will be diving into my villain era. Starting very soon.
A taster?
Creativity Curiosity Conversation
Give Me One Moment In Time. Pleasance Dome.
Episodes @Free Association Improv
Give Me One Moment In Time. Pleasance Dome.
Give Me One Moment In Time @ Oxford Playhouse, Offcut Festival.
I'm not here to make friends. Free Association Improv @ Vault Festival
Free Association Improv @ Vault Festival
Tragedy plus time @ Free Association Improv
Tragedy plus time with Brendan Hunt @ Free Association Improv
Read some of my scripted work
Read some of scripted work, like Tree Shall Not, Tree Shall Not Be Moved, a short comedy play about trees, trauma, and traditional British desserts. I developed this project with Sky Comedy and Birmingham Rep.